Nativity Painting of People Inside a Dome
  1. Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci) – Invaluable
  2. Salvator Mundi (Leonardo da Vinci) – $450.3 million
  3. Interchange (Willem de Kooning) – $300 million
  4. The Card Players (Paul CĂ©zanne) – $250 million
  5. Nafea Faa Ipoipo *When Will You Marry?* (Paul Gauguin) – $250 million
  6. Number 17A (Jackson Pollock) – $200 million
  7. No. 6 *Violet, Green and Red* (Mark Rothko) – $186 million
  8. Pendant Portraits of Maerten Soolmans and Oopjen Coppit (Rembrandt) – $180 million
  9. Les Femmes d’Alger *”Version O”* (Pablo Picasso) – $179.4 million
  10. Nu couchĂ© (Amedeo Modigliani) – $170.4 million

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that some or all of the statistics are derived from artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can make mistakes, and therefore inaccuracies may occur.

List of most expensive paintings – Wikipedia
The 35 Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold | The Study (
The 10 Most Expensive Paintings Ever Sold (
The Most Expensive Artworks Sold at Auction | Artsy

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